I kind of hate my current WiP. But that may be because i’ve worked on it to the point where i just can’t stand it and need a break. Said break apparently taking the form of mashing out a whole new novel :P (remainder cross-posted from my gendertumblr) …i’m gonna ramble about my NaNoWriMo main… Read More

So, it’s actually been about three weeks, but i made borsch! Twice now, because i wanted more when it was done. The recipe i used makes a huge batch but it keeps well and my whole family likes it (my mum ate four bowls the day i made it), so it’s not a problem. Now… Read More

Adoptive Dads recently mentioned a new law in Italy prohibiting prospective adoptive parents from trying to choose the ethnicity of their children. Kind of leads one to wonder just how diverse a nation Italy is… I mentioned in a comment there it might be a good law for a country which is diverse, but i… Read More

I’ve mostly given up on this, for now, as i have too many other little projects taking up all my mental energy. But! I nonetheless managed to have a wee bit of lucidity last night/this morning. And it was totally awesome and very much confirmed this is something i want to be able to do… Read More