Right, i’m being very lazy about scanning. And i only just finished carving my squirrel print this weekend and haven’t even had a chance to print it yet. But look, still carving. I think i’ve got a differently carved background for every print i’ve done so far. meh. Anyway the squirrel is the last carved-out… Read More

Another carved print.Nice long story behind this but the short version is that it’s very hard to hide a major part of identity – you can’t just ‘nest’ parts of identity inside each other, some things are just too big for that and cannot be just crammed beneath the surface. See more progress on: learn… Read More

First attempt at a wood/linoleum/whatever block print (well, first attempt since printmaking class six-or-so years ago) Not bad, i think. Managed to do the whole thing without stabbing myself once, which i think is a record for me. And it’s more or less clear what it’s supposed to be. I even got the ‘exist’ lettering… Read More

I’m starting this up with re-learning how to carve woodblock prints, which i did a bit in high school but haven’t done since. Once i’ve got the hang of basically carving out flat pictures again i’ll get some bigger blocks of wood and better knives and try to figure out real woodcarving. Nope, no proper… Read More