for the sheer sake of ‘updating every week.’ Sit-ups: 45 at a time, 150+ in sets. w00t me. Screnzy: failed. Comic: still going. Happiness Project: also still going. Bonsai: not dead yet. Novel: have been ignoring. Moving: am seriously considering finding a cheap-as-possible hotel to live in until apartments are sorted. City i end up… Read More
I am having an absurdly fun time working on my Happiness Project. I guess that’s kind of the point… Some randomness: Stuff which makes me Feel Good and stuff which makes me Feel Bad are more closely related than i previously realised. Odd. There is nothing like tracking the tag ‘happiness’ on Tumblr for random… Read More
yay happiness. In an effort to actually work on a Happiness Project every day, for a (very non-calendar) month, i’ve made a list of Happiness Project tasks to spread out over the next two weeks (day 15 is ‘Re-plan Happiness Project.’ Because i suck at planning things that far in advance, and besides it’s quite… Read More
Novel: Still hate editing. Still need to do it. Bah.I’m way behind where i want to be; i think i need to stop and figure out a better way to go about this. Moving: I’m working on starting up a handmade jewellery business, which doesn’t seem very moving-related but if it works, it’s a job… Read More