How I did it: I haven’t been a big meat-eater lately anyway so it was mostly just a matter of getting in the habit of checking the list of ingredients of *everything* for things like gelatin (relevant: vegan marshmallows exist) and not caving in to the occasional chilli craving (at least, not traditional chilli. Vegetarian… Read More

buying eggs just got more difficult

after getting vegetarian eggs for proper veggie omelettes‘Wait, let me break it. I can break an egg one-handed and that way gets less shell all over the place.’three minutes later, after washing both hands‘…I’d just like to point out, despite jamming my thumb through the egg, I technically succeeded in my goal of not getting… Read More

…it took me six days to make this little thing. But five of those were spent doing it horribly wrong, now I’ve got it right (or at least differently wrong) it’s going faster. So whether or not I actually have new gloves by the end of the month is still unknown. See more progress on:… Read More

I have set a rather shaky goal to find one new constellation a day (…on days which have clear enough skies to do so), which leaves me with pretty limited options because some constellations are apparently never visible in my part of the world and some aren’t visible this time of year and some aren’t… Read More