Picked up Happy Hooker and a crochet hook yesterday. Book: ‘Crochet is easier than knitting.’one hour later‘Book’s a damn liar.’finally get the first row done‘This is like a double-loop thing for every stitch how is it easier.’one row later‘Hey actually this isn’t so bad after all.’three rows later‘Wait why do I only have half as… Read More

A Guide to Eating a Plant-Based Diet More vegan than vegetarian but there’s some useful stuff in here: a step-by-step guide to cutting non-plant foods, a list of good plant foods, some simple recipes……and a link to a post all about why eggs are very much not cruelty-free.I’m just going to pretend that’s not a… Read More

buying eggs just got more difficult

Went grocery shopping today and figured if there were going to be any moral reasons behind meatless eating (which, okay, moral reasons are at the bottom of my list, but they’re there), then I should probably aim for the (relatively-)cruelty-free eggs, so instead of just picking up the cheap brand I usually go for I… Read More