Those of us who believe the universe was created by some divine force can all agree the Creator is, well, creative, right? How about nurturing? Zie’s at least guided things along a bit, which is more than a neglectful Divinity would. Having a knowledge of hidden things, another given. The ordering of the solar system… Read More
‘Pride’ is one of those annoying words which can have multiple connotations leading to entirely different understandings. ‘Gay Pride? Those gay people are proud of themselves? They think they’re better than us? I thought they were ‘born this way’! What’s for them to be so proud of? They clearly know it’s really a choice, and… Read More
The Wild Hunt: Two Kinds of Witchcraft? Resisting Cynicism, False Dilemmas, and Moral Panics. The moment when “witch-hunts” over there come home to roost on our doorsteps is now. How Pagans react will be very important in how this issue plays out. We must resist at all costs the urge to fall into Howse’s trap… Read More
There’s plenty of articles about achieving your goals. Finding time to achieve those goals. Calculating just how much (or how little) money you need to achieve your goals. Less common are articles on figuring out whether a goal is worth working toward or not to begin with. This is possibly the most important part of… Read More