Wisconsin successfully stops Planned Parenthood from performing medical abortions. Oh, I mean, Wisconsin successfully makes its citizens healthier by making it impossibly difficult for them to take one pill which temporarily alters their hormone levels. No, wait. I think I was right the first time. How much do SCI Cresson prison wardens care about prisoner’s… Read More
The Declassified Adoptee: “Being Adopted Can be Hard” is a Complete Sentence Saying “being adopted can be hard” does not mean I left off the phrase “…so I wish I never was and think no one should ever be and think kids should just stay in orphanages/foster care.” When I say that, I imply nothing… Read More
There are people who willingly label themselves as part of a group: straight, gay, queer, white, POC, multiracial, etc. There are people who, when asked how they identify, casually say they don’t use labels. Or perhaps, they understand the use of labels but think we’d all be better off without them. Then there are people… Read More
Delaware Valley High School postponed the (national, usually student-run) Day of Silence. Which is bizarre enough, but the school’s justification is to give them time to come up with a broader ‘message’ – i.e., accepting any differences. Sounds good, until you remember enumerated anti-bullying policies almost always work better than broad, sweeping ideals. Vatican accuses… Read More