I sent Connection off to Artists for Charity today… still have to wait around a bit and see if it’s accepted, send in the high-res version of the image, etc. But i’ve gone as far as i can on my own until i get contacted back.… Read More
My original plan was to do this year’s NaNoWriMo, take a brief clear-my-mind-from-transdimensional-travel-writing break, and then choose from this and all my previous NaNos the perfect one to spend a few more months whipping into shape through copious editing. I’m… still planning on finishing this year’s NaNo. Because i have been doing this every year since… Read More
Just sent off the first query letter. Ahhhhh. It’s been sitting in my ‘drafts’ folder, waiting for me to spontaneously develop awesome query-letter-writing skills. Seems NaNoWriMo does not, in fact, help develop such skills. So i finally screamed ‘don’t let perfect be the enemy of good!’ at my email client, hit ‘send’, and my certainly-not-perfect,… Read More
Oh yeah, random bald vampire chick FTW. Used the Brushes app on my iPod Touch, as it’s really the only software i have on anything which automatically creates the video as i go along. The alternative is to use screen capture software on my Mac, which a) requires me to always remember to open the… Read More