One of these years i will fail at NaNoWriMo. And there will be much crying on my part. I don’t actually like the novel i wrote this month. Like, at all. But i’m not done with it yet, either, and… i kind of want to actually finish it. Except i also want to get started on… Read More

I want to move to Ireland now (as does pretty much everybody else, apparently; they’ve got a crazy high immigration rate.) I must learn to speak Irish Gaelic. Absolutely must. I’ve seen too many little snippets of it while reading and it’s too damn pretty to not learn.… Read More

Started reading some Wikipedia entries on Ireland, which thus far is more history than culture, but it’s a start. As history tends to influence culture i’ll count it. I also opened in new tabs pretty much every interesting link i saw and saved them all for… well, in theory, for ‘next time i start reading… Read More

The print of ‘Connection’ is now available for sale through Artists for Charity. Yay! They’ve plenty of other beautiful prints for sale, and all proceeds will go to a selected charity (currently the Autistic Self Advocacy Network), so go look around a bit. Good stuff.… Read More