My plan is to do a detox twice a year, so obviously i need some sort of detox system which i can actually stick with that often. And which will not kill me in the process, which i’m pretty sure some of those detox systems are secretly designed to do… Anyway, poking around a bit,… Read More
As but one small problem in the ‘move to a big city’ goal – I currently don’t make the money required to move to even a small city, like the one a few miles away from the suburbs I currently inhabit. I make just enough money at my current day job to pay about a… Read More
Week of reading: done. Articles i still want to read: 212. Because i totally don’t know enough about Saint Patrick or druidry or Cromwell or geasa.… Read More
I read my 2007 NaNo again last night. It’s… actually really good (says the person who wrote it and is therefore not biased at all… well, it’s good compared to most of my other hacked-out-in-a-month novels). It’s still very much a rough draft but i’m happy with it. I can do something with this. I… Read More