I’m reading Clock Repairing as a Hobby, though i’m not sure i’m actually understanding it at any practical level. It probably doesn’t help i bought the Kindle version, and am thus reading it mostly off the tiny screen of my Touch – which is great for most books but not so great for books with… Read More
Food-Tracking: Done. I even tracked my tea consumption, which was kind of a bitch as i drink around seven cups of tea a day and being only about four calories a cup, there’s not much motivation to track. But i did. Apparently i don’t eat enough in general and my carb:protein ratio is way off.… Read More
Turns out it’s kind of tough to decide on a programming language to learn. I don’t want to learn just one – i want to learn Python, Perl, and PHP at the very least, and probably in the future some variety of C. I know a bit of Perl and PHP already, but for the… Read More
At some point during NaNoWriMo i heard of Tarot for Writers, which uses tarot cards to brainstorm character personalities and plot outlines. I’ve been lusting after it ever since and finally gave in and downloaded the Kindle version last night and have been drawing cards for my novel characters (especially the borderline random and unrealistic… Read More