I’ve done up to Week 5 in Pace and Kyeli’s 52 Weeks to Awesome course. Week 5 being ‘Introduction to Introspection’ – basically getting inside your own head and figuring out why your subconscious is messing with you. So i’ve spent most of the week tinkering around with things i’m having trouble with – like… Read More
I found one of my old diaries this week. It’s mostly from 2001, but there’s one entry dated 2003. My fake-whiny-depressive-emo years. Yeah, i was one of those kids. Even if i’d written every day, i doubt i’d have any accurate records of that time of my life, because i was busy making every problem… Read More
I submitted the first chapter of Angels Unaware to Critique Circle for feedback. Crits thus far can be summed up as ‘Cut this, cut this, this is okay but not really necessary, cut this, and… okay, you just. um. have a tendency to overwrite in general.’ I imagine overwriting is a common problem amongst NaNoers.… Read More
Ha – so much for reloaning my Kiva funds every time my account gets $25. It reached $50 without me noticing. Ah well. Also the easiest time i ever had choosing loans – there were only two up when i logged in (probably because it’s 12:30 Sunday morning, and whoever normally adds new loans to… Read More