First go, i don’t think i put enough pressure on the squeegee, and there were just a few streaks of ink in my print.Next two tries, it was just a bit inconsistent. Fourth try… well, i’m counting it as good even though it doesn’t look it. I’m learning using a cheap-and-dirty screenprinting kit, figuring it’s enough… Read More

How I did it: I have a set of ogham staves, but i didn’t use them for practice at first – i put three new letters a day into an Anki deck and then started pulling a stave every day once the deck was half-finished. And, of course, reviewed the deck every day. I still… Read More

The Holy Qur'an in Today's English

I’m not particularly fond of paying for books which have been around for centuries, translations or no, so ‘free version’ is kind of what i’d prefer for the Quran. Unfortunately most of the free versions i’ve found (e.g. on Manybooks) have a whole host of comments degrading them as poor translations. The exception is Three… Read More

…okay, technically a few days are only half-done, they have been more or less impossible to do so far, but there are Serious Plans to do them at some point, whereas before there were no such plans, so i’m counting them done. I may follow this up with 31 Life Skills in 31 Days during… Read More