I’d normally have updated earlier (sticking with #98 on my 101 list, ‘update weekly’), but my internet has been pretty shoddy lately. It works, then it doesn’t, then it does. Still doesn’t properly work, but whatever. I’ll not let that stop me. Though it does mean any update will be random hodgepodge ‘everything i meant… Read More
Otherwise known as, ‘that list i’m totally not making as i have other stuff to do.’ Yeah, fine, i give in. I’m going to go for the 101 in 1001 project. Starting tomorrow, because 13 October is such a great day to do anything (anyone else remember a few years ago, when 13 October was… Read More
A little speedpainting of the place i used to play when i was a kid, which wasn’t quite in my da’s backyard. I moved around stuff to fit all my favourite things in the picture, but i’m pretty surprised by how well i remember everything, even though i haven’t been back in years. I’ve read… Read More
The finished pattern for my National Novel Writing Month furoshiki, featuring lots of Cyrillic letters and writing icons. I’ve ordered a yard of fabric with this pattern from Spoonflower, which should arrive in plenty of time for me to do all the cutting and hemming needed before NaNoWriMo. I think i can get one large… Read More