bought:– Sharpening stone. No honing oil though. Oops.– More wood to hack up– A wooden scrapbook-album cover I was planning on carving something on the scrapbook cover for my scrap-loving grandma. It’s pretty thin but maybe a shallow carving.aaaand after i actually got home with it i realised it’s like three layers of even thinner… Read More

Right, i’m being very lazy about scanning. And i only just finished carving my squirrel print this weekend and haven’t even had a chance to print it yet. But look, still carving. I think i’ve got a differently carved background for every print i’ve done so far. meh. Anyway the squirrel is the last carved-out… Read More

Another carved print.Nice long story behind this but the short version is that it’s very hard to hide a major part of identity – you can’t just ‘nest’ parts of identity inside each other, some things are just too big for that and cannot be just crammed beneath the surface. See more progress on: learn… Read More

First attempt at a wood/linoleum/whatever block print (well, first attempt since printmaking class six-or-so years ago) Not bad, i think. Managed to do the whole thing without stabbing myself once, which i think is a record for me. And it’s more or less clear what it’s supposed to be. I even got the ‘exist’ lettering… Read More